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Which Leader Nao Bae Iu Chusim?—Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Diswan?

Nomata olketa man wea pipol tingse olketa gud, olketa no fit for leader, bat wanfala Leader hem barava fit.

Hao, Iumi Fit for Fren Witim God Tu?

Waswe, enitaem iu laek for askem God: “Hu nao iu? Wea nao iu stap? Iu tingim mi tu?”


Planet blo Iumi Bae Stap Olowe Tu?​—⁠Ocean

Waswe, evri samting wea man spoelem lo ocean hem savve gud bak moa?

Wanem Iu Savve Duim Taem Iu Stress

Lukluk lo samfala Bible principle wea savve helpem iu for deal witim or daonem stress.

Waswe, God Nao Mekem Iumi Safa?

Pipol bilivim olketa laea teaching abaotem God. Wanem nao tru teaching?

Wat Hem Stret, and Wat Hem Rong

Hao nao bae iu disaed? Eni help stap wea iu savve trustim?


Spendem Taem Tugeta

Nomata hasband and waef stap lo sem rum, maet olketa no savve story tugeta. Wanem nao olketa savve duim for iusim gud taem wea olketa spendem tugeta?

Hao, God Kea Abaotem Olketa Woman?

Ansa savve helpem iu for garem peace nomata iu kasem injustice and pipol treatim iu nogud.


Wat Nao Mi Savve Duim for Hapi?

Free Bible study program blo mifala savve helpem iu.


Wat Taem Nao Bae Faeting Stop?—⁠Wat Nao Bible Sei?

Klosap nao evri war bae finis. Bible storyim hao diswan bae happen.

Hao, Bae Armageddon Start lo Israel?

Wat nao Bible talem abaotem datwan?


Bae No Lonely Taem Helpem Pipol

Advaes from Bible savve help.


No Letem False Information Affectim Iu

Lo world distaem staka nius hem no tru, staka report hem false, and staka laea story wea no garem pruv savve gogo raon, and olketa samting hia savve affectim iu lo nogud wei.

Hao Iumi Savve Hapi

Disfala Wekap! magasin storyim wise advaes lo Bible wea savve helpem iu.


Waswe, Wanem Bible Storyim Hem Stret Witim Science?

Hao, Bible storyim samfala samting wea no stret witim science?

Kasem Blessing From God wea Lovem Iumi

Faendaot wanem nao olketa blessing hia, why nao iu sure bae iu kasem, and gud samting wea iu savve kasem from olketa blessing hia.

Wat Nao Savve Helpem Iu for Garem Gud Laef?

Waswe, education, staka selen, or nara samting nao savve duim datwan? Readim ansa insaed disfala Wastaoa magasin.