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Hao, Selen Nao Hem Kosim Evri Nogud Samting?

Hao, Selen Nao Hem Kosim Evri Nogud Samting?

Ansa wea Bible givim

 Nomoa. Bible no sei selen hem nogud samting, and tu, hem no sei selen nao hem reason why evri nogud samting hem happen. Samfala pipol savve iusim datfala toktok “selen hem kosim evri nogud samting” (or, lo English olketa savve sei “money is the root of all evil”), bat datwan hem no stretfala quote from Bible, and hem savve mekem man garem rong idea abaotem wanem Bible talem. Diswan nao wanem Bible talem: “wei for lovem selen hem kosim evri nogud samting.” a1 Timothy 6:10, King James Version, mifala mekem word blak for mekhae lo point.

 Wat nao Bible talem abaotem selen?

 Bible hem sei taem iumi iusim selen lo wisefala wei, datwan savve helpem iumi and savve “gadem” iumi tu. (Eklesiastes 7:12) And tu, Bible sei olketa wea kaen tumas for givim samting for helpem olketa narawan, and maet olketa givim selen tu, olketa duim gudfala samting.—Provebs 11:25.

 Bat, Bible warnim iumi tu for no letem selen kamap important tumas lo laef blo iumi. Bible sei: “Iufala mas no laekem tumas selen, bat iufala mas hapi nomoa long samting wea iufala garem.” (Hebrew 13:5) So, nomata iumi needim selen for samfala samting lo laef, disfala scripture teachim iumi for no ova tumas for aftarem selen. Iumi laek for satisfae nomoa witim olketa samting wea iumi really needim, olsem kaikai, kaleko, and ples for stap.—1 Timothy 6:8.

 Why nao Bible warnim iumi for no laekem tumas selen?

 Pipol wea greedy bae no kasem laef olowe. (Ephesus 5:5) Wanfala reason for diswan hem bikos wei for greedy hem semsem olsem wei for worshipim idol, or false worship. (Colossae 3:5) Narafala reason hem bikos pipol wea greedy tumas savve willing for duim olketa nogud samting mekem olketa kasem wanem olketa laekem. Provebs 28:20 hem sei: “Man faetem dola nomoa, bae hemi panis.” Maet datwan bikos man olsem hem willing for duim olketa criminal samting, olsem for ravem man, laea for kasem selen, kidnapim samwan, or murder.

 Nomata sapos wei for laekem tumas selen hem no mekem samwan for duim olketa nogud samting, bae man olsem still kasem problem. Bible hem sei: “Olketa wea laekem tumas for rich bae foldaon long eni samting wea switim olketa and olketa trap. Olketa bae laekem samting wea spoelem man and duim olketa krangge samting.”—1 Timothy 6:9.

 Wanem gud samting nao bae iumi kasem sapos iumi followim advaes lo Bible abaotem selen?

 Sapos iumi no letem wei for aftarem selen for mekem iumi duim samting wea God bae no hapi lo hem, iumi bae hapi and satisfae, and God tu bae hapi lo iumi and sapotim iumi. God talem disfala promis lo olketa wea traem best for mekem hem hapi: “Bae mi nating lusim iu.” (Hebrew 13:5, 6) Hem sei tu: “Man wea faithful bae kasem staka blessing.”—Proverbs 28:20, NWT.

a Narafala translation blo datfala verse hem sei: “Enikaen nogud samting hem kamaot from wei for laekem tumas selen.”