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Olketa Teenager and Young Adult

Advaes lo Bible savve helpem iu for cope witim olketa challenge and for lanem laef skills. a

a Mifala changem samfala nem blo pipol wea mifala quotem toktok blo olketa lo olketa article hia.


Hao, Hem Important for Garem Staka Fren lo Social Media?

Samfala pipol willing for spoelem laef blo olketa mekem staka moa pipol followim olketa and laekem wanem olketa postim. Waswe, hem gud samting for iumi popular online?


Hao, Hem Important for Garem Staka Fren lo Social Media?

Samfala pipol willing for spoelem laef blo olketa mekem staka moa pipol followim olketa and laekem wanem olketa postim. Waswe, hem gud samting for iumi popular online?

Olketa Kwestin wea Young Pipol Garem

Olketa kwestin wea young pipol garem abaotem sex, olketa fren, parents, skul, and staka samting moa.

Wanem Olketa Nara Young Wan Talem

Maet iu feisim samfala hard samting wea iu no deal witim bifor. Lukim hao olketa nara young wan deal witim datwan.

Olketa Whiteboard Video

Waswe, iu feisim olketa problem wea iu tingse hem hard tumas for iu deal witim? Sapos olsem, olketa video clip hia bae helpem iu for deal witim datwan.

Olketa Exercise for Olketa Teenager

Olketa exercise hia savve helpem iu for raetem daon tingting blo iu and redyim iu for deal witim olketa samting wea savve happen lo laef.

Olketa Bible Study Leson

Olketa Bible study leson for printim for helpem olketa young wan savve gud long olketa Bible story.

10-fala Kwestin wea Young Pipol Savve Garem

Faendem gudfala advaes wea bae helpem iu for garem hapi laef.

Study Pepa

Iusim olketa study pepa hia for strongim faith bilong iu and lane hao for explainim samting iu bilivim.