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Wat Taem Nao Bae Faeting Stop?—⁠Wat Nao Bible Sei?

Wat Taem Nao Bae Faeting Stop?—⁠Wat Nao Bible Sei?

 “Distaem hem taem for mekem disfala situation no worse and no putim laef blo pipol lo danger. Distaem hem taem for no react nomata wat happen,” diswan nao toktok wea United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres hem talem abaotem attak blo Iran againstim Israel lo Saturday, April 13, 2024.

 Faeting lo Midol East hem wan example blo samting wea happen lo staka ples lo world.

 “World hem feisim haest namba blo olketa violent conflict since World War II and diswan affectim 2 billion pipol, wea hem wan quarter blo population blo earth.—United Nations Security Council, January 26, 2023.

 Olketa ples wea violent conflict kamap lo hem nao lo Israel, Gaza, Syria, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger, Myanmar, and Haiti. a

 Wat taem nao bae faeting stop? Hao, olketa world leader savve mekem peace kamap? Wat nao Bible sei?

Staka war kamap lo world

 Olketa conflict raonem world distaem showim dat klosap nao evri war bae finis. Olketa war hia fulfillim Bible profesi abaotem taem period wea iumi stap insaed. Bible kolem diswan lo taem wea world hem gogo for finis.—Matthew 24:3.

  •   Pipol lo wanfala kantri bae faetem pipol lo nara kantri and kingdom againstim nara kingdom.”—Matthew 24:6, 7.

 Readim article “What Is the Sign of ‘the Last Days,’ or ‘End Times’?” for lukim hao olketa war wea kamap distaem fulfillim Bible profesi.

War wea bae finisim evri war

 Bible profesi dat evri conflict bae finis. Hao nao datwan bae happen? Ino olketa man nao bae finisim datwan, bat Armageddon, “datfala war wea hem bigfala day blo God, datfala Olmaeti” nao bae finisim. (Revelation 16:14, 16) Bihaen war hia, God bae fulfillim promis blo hem for olketa man enjoyim peace for olowe.—Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.

 For lanem moa samting abaotem war blo God wea bae finisim evri war, readim article “Wat Nao War Blo Armageddon?

a Report blo ACLED Conflict Index, “Ranking violent conflict levels across the world,” January 2024