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Wanem Bible Teachim

Bible helpem iumi for savve long olketa ansa for olketa kwestin abaotem staka samting. Hem helpem staka pipol for plande handred year. Long disfala sekson, bae iu lukim why iu savve trustim Bible, hao for kasem gud samting from BIble, and hao Bible savve helpem iu long laef bilong iu.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17.


Maet Iu Laekem


Wat Nao Sin?

Hao, samfala sin hem worse winim olketa nara sin?


Wat Nao Sin?

Hao, samfala sin hem worse winim olketa nara sin?

Studyim Bible

Traem Bible Course blo Mifala

Duim free Bible study course witim instructor wea bae helpem iu.

Askem Samwan for Visit

Discussim wanfala Bible kwestin, or lanem moa samting abaotem Olketa Jehovah’s Witness.

Olketa Tul for Bible Study

Chusim olketa tul wea savve helpem iu for enjoyim Bible study blo iu and for kasem gud samting from datwan.

Hao Nao Bible Savve Helpem Iu?

Garem Peace and Hapi

Bible helpem staka pipol for deal witim olketa hard samting wea olketa feisim evriday, and for no wari tumas and for garem laef wea mekem olketa satisfae.

Garem Faith Long God

Faith savve barava helpem iu. Hem savve mekem iu stedy long spiritual wei and hem savve helpem iu for barava trustim hope wea iu garem for future.

Marit and Famili

Olketa wea marit and olketa famili kasem staka hard samting. Bible garem gudfala advaes for helpem olketa famili stap gud.

Help for Olketa Teenager and Young Adult

Lanem hao Bible savve helpem olketa teenager and young adult for feisim olketa situation and challenge.

Olketa Video and Samting for Olketa Pikinini Duim

Watchim olketa video hia wea base lo Bible, and enjoy for duim olketa samting for pikinini wea teachim olketa gudfala wei lo pikinini.

Wanem Nao Bible Talem?

Ansa for Olketa Bible Kwestin

Kasem ansa for olketa Bible kwestin abaotem God, Jesus, famili, wei for safa and staka samting moa.

Mining blo Olketa Bible Verse

Lanem mining blo samfala toktok and verse wea staka pipol laekem insaed Bible.

History and Bible

Readim interesting history abaotem hao iumi kasem Bible. Readim pruv wea showimaot iumi savve trustim Bible and wea showimaot Bible hem stret witim history.

Science and Bible

Waswe, samting Bible talem hem difren from samting wea science talem? Hem interesting for comparem samting Bible talem witim science.