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Which Leader Will You Choose?—What Does the Bible Say?

Even the most capable human has limitations, but there is one Leader who comes with a guarantee.

Is Friendship With God Possible?

Have you ever wanted to ask God: “Who are you? Where are you? Do you care about me?”


Can Our Planet Survive?​—Oceans

Can the damage to our oceans be undone?

How to Deal With Stress

Review some practical principles that can help you to deal better with stress and perhaps even reduce it.

Increasing Lawlessness Worldwide

What does the Bible say?


What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

What is God’s view of homosexual acts? Can a person with same-sex desires please God?

Is God to Blame for Our Suffering?

People have been deceived by teachings that misrepresent God. What is the truth?

What Has Happened to Decency?

What does the Bible say?


What Is Right, and What Is Wrong?

How should you decide? Is there guidance you can trust?


How Can I Find Happiness in Life?

Our free Bible study program can help.


When Will the Fighting Stop?—⁠What Does the Bible Say?

Soon there will be an end to all war. The Bible explains how this will happen.

Will Armageddon Begin in Israel?

What does the Bible say?


Battle Loneliness by Helping Others

The Bible’s advice can help.


Finding Real Happiness

This issue of Awake! discusses how the Bible’s wise advice can help you.


Does Science Agree With the Bible?

Are there scientific errors in the Bible?

Lasting Blessings From a Loving God

Find out what they are, why you can believe in them, and how you can benefit from them.

What Can Guarantee You a Secure Future?

Is it education, money, or something else? Find out in this issue of The Watchtower.


Science and the Bible

Is the Bible compatible with science? Comparing what the Bible says with the findings of scientists is revealing.

Marriage and Family

Married couples and families face many challenges. The Bible’s practical advice can improve and strengthen family relationships.