Bible Study Tools

Our library of free Bible study tools and resources can help you to deepen your personal Bible study and understand the Word of God more fully. Use our free online Bible, which includes many tools for in-depth study. Check out our interactive, self-guided Bible study lessons. Enhance your study with Bible videos, a Bible encyclopedia, a Bible atlas, a glossary of Biblical terms, and other free Bible tools.

Watch the Bible Online

Examine the features of the New World Translation, a Bible that is accurate and easy to read.

Videos for Bible Study

Introductions to Bible Books

Basic facts and background about each book of the Bible.

Essential Bible Teachings

These short video lessons answer key Bible questions, such as: Why did God create the earth? What is the condition of the dead? and Why does God allow suffering?

Bible Study Aids and References

Bible Verse for the Day

Examining the Scriptures Daily, similar to a daily devotional, gives you a short Bible passage for each day and brief comments on that passage.

Bible Questions Answered

Learn the Bible’s answers to questions about God, Jesus, family, suffering and more.

Online Library (opens new window)

Research Bible topics online using publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Study the Bible With a Personal Instructor

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