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Baibul Oji Intanẹti

Ẹ neke gba abẹk enetiru Baibul oji intanẹti. Ẹ la neke danlodu e-ku ma rẹkọdu kpai Baibul e-k’ẹ neke go alichi amajalu oji Ọchaka-wñ ch’alafa i che. Baibul ku ma adọ New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures chẹ cheju-wñ, i la che lọla egba. Ma che dufu alichi ki tu 210 le, e-ku ma kọ kpa kpai e-ku ma ma kọ kpa ta n. Aluka ku ma che dufu la tu 240 miliọn le mẹ.

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