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Dusreank Modot Korun Eksurponn Pois Korop—Hea Vixim Bible Kitem Sangta?

Dusreank Modot Korun Eksurponn Pois Korop—Hea Vixim Bible Kitem Sangta?

 Sonvsarbhor lokank eksurponn bhogta ani konnanch lagim tim ixttagot korunk pavchinant oxem tankam dista. Dusreank modot kelʼlean eksurponn pois korunk adar zata mhunn thodde dotor mantat.

  •   “Gorjevontank modot kelʼlean amchea jivitak orth mellttolo ani eksurponn pois korunk modot zatolim.”—U.S. National Institutes of Health.

 Ami dusreank modot korunk kitem korunk zata tea vixim Bible-ant bore solʼle asat. Te apnnailolean amkam eksurponn pois korunk modot zatolim.

Tumi kitem korunk zata?

 Udar kallzachim zait. Dusreank mellon tanchea sangata vell sarunk sondhi sodhat. Tumchea lagim asa tem dusreank diunk toiar ravat. Oxem kelʼlean tim tumchim upkari astolim ani tanchea sangata ixttagot korunk tumkam modot zatolim.

  •   Bible-antlem totv: “Tumi di-it ravat, ani lok tumkam ditole.”—Lukas 6:38.

 Dusreank modot korunk vavrat. Kotthin poristhitincho fuddo kortat tankam modot korunk vatto sodhat. Zoxem, tim ulounk sodhtat tednam tanchem borem korun aikop ani tankam somzon ghevop. Toxench, tanchea gorje pormonnem tankam adar divop.

  •   Bible-antlem totv: “Ek ixtt koinchea-i poristhitint modot korunk toiar asta.”—Mhonnʼnneo 17:17, Contemporary English Version.

 Dusrea sangata borem natem koxem samballunk zata tem zannam zaunk “Family Life and Friendships” ho lekh vachat.