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MAY 20, 2024

Witnesses Highlight the Bible’s Role in Good Mental Health at Bangkok International Book Fair

Witnesses Highlight the Bible’s Role in Good Mental Health at Bangkok International Book Fair

The 22nd Bangkok International Book Fair was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from March 28 to April 8, 2024. The event was hosted at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center and drew approximately two million visitors. Our brothers organized a booth highlighting the Bible’s practical counsel on matters such as mental health and dealing with stress. In addition to starting many conversations, the brothers and sisters who volunteered at the booth received 34 requests for Bible studies.

During one conversation, a man mentioned that his daughter suffers from severe depression. Our brothers shared several Scriptural thoughts found in The Watchtower No. 1 2023, “Mental Health—Help From the Bible.” The brothers also helped the man find resources on regarding happy family life. He was deeply grateful for the practical counsel from the Scriptures and said he planned to share it with his daughter immediately.

A high-ranking government official visited our booth and spoke at length with one of the brothers. After watching several videos from, the official asked questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses and our Bible educational work. He then noticed a sign offering a free Bible course. The official asked, “How does one study the Bible?” The brother showed him the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure and demonstrated our interactive Bible course. The brothers arranged for future discussions.

After a sister showed our website to a woman and briefly explained our preaching work, the woman asked: “What other activities are you involved in?” The sister played the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall? The woman watched the video attentively. Then she commented: “The atmosphere at your meetings seems so warm and inviting! I would love to attend.” The following week, the woman traveled nearly two hours to attend a meeting.

We are grateful that our brothers and sisters in Bangkok took the opportunity to help others experience “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.”—Philippians 4:7.