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A newly renovated building that houses the Translation Department at the Spain branch

SEPTEMBER 19, 2022

Renovation of Spain Branch Facilities Boosts Translation Work

Renovation of Spain Branch Facilities Boosts Translation Work

The Spain branch has recently completed a renovation of one of its office buildings. The building will be mainly used by the Translation Department. The office renovation is part of a larger branch renovation that is scheduled to be completed by 2025.

The facility now also features a library that can hold up to 4,000 volumes of translation reference works. The library contains books that are not available electronically.

Brother John Bursnall, a member of the Branch Committee, relates: “The work at the Spain branch has changed so much in the last 25 years. Instead of being primarily a printing and warehouse branch, the branch now cares for translation into Spanish and Spanish Sign Language, as well as braille transcription into many European languages. Hence, we had a need for expanded office space. This renovation will doubtless allow us to give better support to our worldwide brotherhood.”

Renovation has already started on the four residence buildings. Up to 200 construction volunteers will participate in the work. To accommodate the workers, 70 temporary mobile homes are currently being installed on the branch property.

Mobile homes are in the process of being moved to the Spain branch to accommodate volunteer workers during the next phase of the renovation

Spain continues to see growth. There are currently 120,530 publishers in the country. With 23,565 now serving as regular pioneers, Spain has seen eight consecutive peaks in the number of full-time preachers within the past year.

We know that Jehovah will support this ongoing project so that these facilities accomplish their purpose of honoring his holy name.—Psalm 61:8.