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MAY 24, 2023

Latvian New World Translation Showcased at Book Fair in Riga

Latvian New World Translation Showcased at Book Fair in Riga

Over 21,000 people attended the Latvian Book Fair in Riga, Latvia, in early March 2023. This was the seventh time that our brothers and sisters participated in the fair and the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were excited to be able to highlight the complete New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in Latvian, released in 2020.

Particular attention was given to the divine name, Jehovah. Visitors were surprised to learn that the name Jehovah is used in the first Latvian translation of the Bible, which was produced in 1689. They were further surprised when they were shown that the New World Translation restores God’s name in more than 7,000 places throughout the Bible.

Other aspects of the New World Translation also caught the attention of some. One man who works in the publishing industry commented on the Bible’s high-quality construction. He said that it is apparent that this Bible is designed for everyday use.

Another visitor, after receiving a personal copy at the booth, expressed that he was very impressed by the modern, easy-to-read language used in the New World Translation. He explained that his previous attempts to read the Bible had failed because other translations were too difficult to understand. Now he looks forward to reading the New World Translation together with his daughter. By the end of the three-day event, over 130 copies of the New World Translation in Latvian were distributed.

Our brothers and sisters pose inside the booth at the Latvian Book Fair

Those who participated in the book fair were thrilled to share in helping others learn more about the Bible and its Author. One sister happily exclaimed: “I have never been able to help so many people get to know Jehovah’s name in just a few days!”

Currently, there are over 2,100 publishers in Latvia. We rejoice that they, along with many others who are interested in God’s Word, are benefiting from this modern translation and are drawing closer to Jehovah.—James 1:17.