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OCTOBER 14, 2022

Revised New World Translation Released in Samoan

Revised New World Translation Released in Samoan

On October 9, 2022, the revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released in Samoan. Brother Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body released the Bible in a prerecorded talk, which was viewed by publishers in American Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa. Immediately following the talk, printed copies of the Bible were distributed and digital copies were made available for download.

Jehovah’s Witnesses began preaching in Samoa in 1931, and the first congregation was formed in Apia in 1953. The New World Translation in Samoan first became available in 2009. The accurate, readily available New World Translation was welcomed by publishers and the public alike.

The Samoan remote translation office in Siusega, Samoa

With this newly released revised edition, further effort was made to use modern, understandable language that encourages reading without sacrificing accuracy. One translator commented: “Samoan people highly respect the Bible. With this in mind, the translation team used language that is simple and easy to understand but not casual. Now with Jehovah’s help, we have a complete revised Bible in Samoan that will benefit us all.”

We are confident that this translation will further help readers to benefit from the precious thoughts of our God, Jehovah.—Psalm 139:17.