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A rendering of the future Ramapo complex

APRIL 27, 2022

Headquarters Project Ramapo

Officials Approve Entrance Realignment Work; Final Site Plan Approval Pending

Officials Approve Entrance Realignment Work; Final Site Plan Approval Pending

On March 8, 2022, the Construction Project Committee (CPC) for the Ramapo construction project received an essential permit from the Town of Tuxedo Planning Board. The permit allows work to begin to expand and realign the Ramapo property entrance. Additionally, our brothers continue to make progress in obtaining the final approval to begin the project—the site plan approval from the Town of Ramapo Planning Board. a

Brother Robert McRedmond, who serves as the coordinator of the CPC, states: “Early on in the development phase of this project, we determined that the driveway leading to the property would need to be adjusted. This recent approval will allow us to hire contractors to adjust and to enlarge this intersection, which will address traffic safety concerns on the local road. The work is being carried out by contractors and will be finished by the end of this summer. Other work involves construction volunteers completing the restoration of a historic stone bridge along this driveway.”

The partially restored stone bridge, which is less than a mile from the entrance of the construction site

Brother Gary Stradowski, who also serves on the CPC, says: “We were excited to receive this recent permit. We are getting closer to our goal of receiving the official site plan approval for the rest of the project. Once we are given this permission, contractors will begin the site clearing and preparation phase, possibly by the end of 2022. If that happens, volunteers will then be able to assist on-site by the middle of 2023.”

We are happy to learn about this update and pray for Jehovah’s spirit to continue directing this project.—Zechariah 4:6.

a The Ramapo property spans both Orange and Rockland counties, New York, U.S.A. Therefore, the CPC must obtain approvals from both the Town of Tuxedo Planning Board and the Town of Ramapo Planning Board.