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NOVEMBER 27, 2019

New World Translation Released in Nzema Language

New World Translation Released in Nzema Language

After four years of translation work, the complete New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released in the Nzema language on November 22, 2019, at a regional convention in Bawia, Western Region, Ghana. Brother Samuel M. Kwesie, a member of the Ghana Branch Committee, released the Bible before an audience of 3,051.

A team of seven translators worked on the project. One of the translators stated: “The New World Translation uses simple language, making it understandable to all readers, including young people. This will surely draw readers closer to their heavenly Father, Jehovah.”

Previously, Nzema-speaking publishers had been using a Bible published by the Bible Society of Ghana. However, this translation omits God’s name and is difficult to understand. Additionally, because Bibles are expensive in Ghana, it made it difficult for some publishers to afford one.

In contrast, the Nzema-language New World Translation contains God’s name, Jehovah, is written in clear language, and provided without cost. This Bible will benefit the 1,532 Nzema-speaking publishers in the Ghana branch territory as they preach to the some 330,000 people who speak the language.

May our brothers find delight “in the law of Jehovah” with this new Bible translation.—Psalm 1:1, 2.