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Brother Kenneth Cook presents a print edition of the New World Translation in Twi

MARCH 9, 2021

Jehovah’s Witnesses Release the Revised New World Translation in Twi (Akuapem)

Jehovah’s Witnesses Release the Revised New World Translation in Twi (Akuapem)

Jehovah’s Witnesses released the revised New World Translation in Twi (Akuapem) on March 7, 2021. Brother Kenneth Cook, a member of the Governing Body, released the Bible in a prerecorded program. The Bible was available in digital format after the program.

The event was broadcast via satellite television. In order to reach remote locations, publishers also had the option of listening by telephone. In this way, the majority of the 98,000 Twi-speaking publishers were able to enjoy the program.

The Twi language is widely spoken in Ghana. Although there are many dialects of Twi, Akuapem Twi is readily understood by most Twi speakers. The Bible translation project involved a team of six translators and took three and a half years to complete.

One translator stated: “Jehovah empowered us to accomplish this immensely important assignment. I am now even more convinced that God is determined to make his Word available to as many people as possible.”

We rejoice with our Twi-speaking brothers over this Bible release. During these unsettling times, we are confident that God’s Word will give us strength and wisdom.—Psalm 19:7.