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Keys to Success

Look to God for a Happy Marriage

Using two simple questions can help you improve your marriage.

How Can Marriage Be Happy?

The Bible’s advice on how to have a happy marriage works because it comes from the Originator of marriage, Jehovah God.

Wisdom for Family Happiness

What can husbands, wives, parents, and children do to enjoy a happy family?

Successful Families​—Teamwork

Does your marriage mate seem more like a roommate?

Surviving the First Year of Marriage

Are you a newlywed? The Bible can help you strengthen your marriage.

How to Develop Patience

When two imperfect people marry, various problems will arise. Patience is fundamental to a successful marriage.

For a Happy Marriage: Show Respect

The Bible can help you to develop mutual respect in your marriage, even if it has been lacking.

How to Show Respect

Respect in marriage is not a luxury—it is a necessity. How can you show that you respect your mate?

Treating Your Mate With Respect

How can a husband or a wife communicate respectfully?

For a Happy Marriage: Show Affection

Work, stress, and the everyday pressures of life can cause a married couple to show less affection. Can genuine affection be rekindled?

How to Show Appreciation

When husband and wife make an effort to notice and acknowledge one another’s good qualities, their relationship often improves. What can help you to cultivate appreciation?

How to Show Affection

How can marriage mates show that they truly care for one another? Consider four suggestions based on principles from the Bible.

How to Strengthen Commitment

Is commitment like a ball and chain that shackles you in marriage or like an anchor that can keep your marriage steady?

Maintaining Commitment in Your Marriage

What makes a marriage strong? What weakens it? How can you strengthen your commitment?

Be Loyal to Each Other

Is there more to faithfulness in marriage than avoiding adultery?

Making a Second Marriage Work

A second marriage may bring challenges that never existed in a first marriage. How can a couple succeed?

Husbands—Make Your Home Secure

A family can be secure financially, yet insecure in a more important way.

The Way of Happiness​—Love

Giving and receiving love play an important role in one’s happiness.

What the Bible Says

Does the Bible Comment on Same-Sex Marriages?

The originator of marriage should know best how to make a permanent and happy bond.

Is Polygamy Acceptable?

Did the idea come from God? Consider what the Bible says about polygamy.

What Does the Bible Say About Interracial Marriage?

Consider some Bible principles that bear on racial equality and marriage.

What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

Bible principles can help couples to avoid or overcome difficulties.

Is Marriage Just a Social Union?

Learn how the God-assigned roles in marriage can help a husband and a wife succeed and be happy.

Does Happiness Depend on Marriage?

Can single Christians be happy? The Bible gives the proper view of marriage, and a perfect example of singleness too.

Problems and Solutions

A Better View of Your Spouse’s Annoying Traits

Rather than let an annoying trait create conflict, learn to see it in a different way.

How to Leave Work “at Work”

Five tips that can help you keep your job from intruding on your marriage.

Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Know that it is not your fault and that you are not alone.

An End to Domestic Violence

How can Bible principles help even the most violent individuals change their behavior?

Dealing With In-Laws

Three tips can help you to keep an in-law problem from becoming a marriage problem.

How to Keep Peace With Your Relatives

You can honor your parents without compromising your marriage.

When a Spouse Has Special Needs

Read three suggestions that help marriages when one mate is chronically ill.

When Viewpoints Differ

How can couples resolve a conflict and remain at peace with each other?

Managing Conflicts in Marriage

Why do conflicts arise, and what can you do to prevent them from ruining your marriage?

When a Marriage Mate Views Pornography

How can a couple work together to overcome a mate’s addiction to pornography and to restore trust in their marriage?

Solving Problems in Your Marriage

Bible principles can help you to solve problems in a loving and respectful manner. Consider four key steps.

Pornography Can Shatter Your Marriage

These suggestions can help you quit a pornography habit and repair your relationship.

Dealing With Differences

Have you ever felt that you and your spouse are incompatible?

How to Let Go of Resentment

To forgive a hurtful act by your spouse, must you minimize it or even pretend that it never occurred?

Successful Families​—Forgiveness

What can help you see past your mate’s imperfections?

How Children Change a Marriage

Learn how Bible principles can help parents adjust to this new phase of life.

When the Children Are Gone

Some couples face big challenges when their children grow up and leave home. What can parents do to adjust to the “empty nest”?

When Tragedy Strikes Your Family

Get the support you need.

How to Avoid Jealousy in Marriage

A marriage cannot thrive in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. So how can you avoid inordinate jealousy?

When a Friendship Gets Too Close

Do you tell yourself, ‘We’re just friends?’ If so, examine Bible principles to see how this line of reasoning holds up.

Separation and Divorce

How Divorce Affects Children

Although some people think that divorce will always be better for the children, research shows that its effects on children can be devastating.

When You Are Disappointed With Your Marriage

Does your soul mate now seem more like a cell mate? Five steps can help your marriage.

Is Life Worth Living When a Spouse Is Unfaithful?

Many innocent mates have found comfort in the Scriptures.

What the Bible Says About Adultery

Does adultery terminate a marriage?

Rebuilding Trust in a Marriage

If you are striving to save your marriage after a setback such as adultery, you face a difficult challenge. But you can succeed!

Does the Bible Permit Divorce?

Learn what God allows and what he hates.

Is Divorce the Answer?

If your marriage seems fragile and ready to collapse, what should you do?

How to Avoid “Gray Divorce”

What is behind “gray divorce”? How can you keep it from affecting your marriage?

Moving Forward After Divorce

Almost all who divorce find that life afterward is harder than they expected. The Bible’s practical advice can help you to cope successfully.

How Do Jehovah’s Witnesses View Divorce?

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses help couples deal with marital problems? Do congregation elders have to approve the divorce of a Witness?