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Left: Yasser Qudaih/Anadolu via Getty Images; right: RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images


What Time They Will Stop Fighting War?​—⁠Wetin the Bible Say?

What Time They Will Stop Fighting War?​—⁠Wetin the Bible Say?

 Talking about how Iran attack Israel on Saturday, April 13, 2024, the United Nations Secretary-General they call António Guterres say, “that the time here to reduce the tension so it can’t get worst. He also say, “that the time here to show self-control.”

 The fighting in the Middle East that just one example of what happening all over the world.

 “Now-now, the fighting that happening in the world more than the one them that happen since World War ll. And because of that, it affecting about 2 billion people. That mean, out of every four people, one will be affected”​—United Nations Security Council, January 26, 2023.

 The place them where the people really fighting war that, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger, Myanmar, and Haiti. a

 What time all this fighting will stop? You think human being governments can bring peace? Wetin the Bible say?

People will be fighting war all over

 The way people fighting war all over the world show that war will soon end. All this war them just show what the Bible say will happen in our time. The Bible call the time we living in, “the conclusion of the system of things.”​—Matthew 24:3.

  •   “You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. . . . Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.”​—Matthew 24:6, 7.

 Read the article “What Is the Sign of ‘the Last Days,’ or ‘End Times’?” to see how the war them that fighting today prove what the Bible say.

The war that will end all wars

 The Bible say that all the war that fighting today will end one day. How it will happen? That not human being will do it. But it will happen by means of Armageddon. The Bible call it “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” (Revelation 16:14, 16) This war will open the way for God to fulfil his promise he made to human being to enjoy peace forever.—Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.

 To learn more about how God war will end all wars, read the article “What Is the Battle of Armageddon?

a ACLED Conflict Index, “Talking about terrible wars that fighting all over the world,” January 2024