Who Will Save the Earth?

Who Will Save the Earth?

 Many people are concerned about the damage that they believe humans are doing to the earth and the life it supports. According to some environmental experts, human actions are threatening species with extinction and damaging the biodiversity of the planet as never before.

 Will humans ruin the earth? Or will they ever be able to live in closer harmony with nature?

Will human efforts succeed?

 Many experts are confident that humans can protect the earth and live in harmony with nature. Some researchers argue that for human efforts to succeed, changes must be made in a number of areas and at the same time. Such changes would include:

  •   Improving how land, forests, wetlands, and oceans are managed.

  •   Adopting different agricultural practices and energy sources.

  •   Switching to a food system that supports a primarily plant-based diet that includes a moderate intake of meat and fish and reduces overall consumption and waste.

  •   Accepting that a good quality of life does not depend on having ever more material things.

 What do you think? Is it realistic to expect governments, businesses, and individuals to cooperate on such an unprecedented scale? Or do you think it is more likely that deep-seated greed, selfishness, and shortsightedness displayed by some would stand in the way?—2 Timothy 3:1-5.

A reason for hope

 The Bible gives us assurance that the future of our planet is secure. It explains why human efforts are not enough to save the earth, and it describes the real change that must be made. It also identifies how this change will come about.

 Why human effort alone will not save the planet. Jehovah a God created the earth, and he assigned humans the responsibility of caring for it. (Genesis 1:28; 2:15) They could succeed in their assignment only if they looked to their Creator for guidance and obeyed his instructions. (Proverbs 20:24) Instead, however, they rejected Jehovah and pursued an independent course. (Ecclesiastes 7:29) On their own, humans do not have the ability to care for the earth, and any effort they make will have limited success at best.—Proverbs 21:30; Jeremiah 10:23.

 The change that must be made. God intends to stop humans from ruining the earth. (Revelation 11:18) He will not reform the governments and earthly society that are harming the planet; he will replace them. (Revelation 21:1) For this reason, Jehovah declares: “Look! I am making all things new.”—Revelation 21:5.

 How that change will come about. Jehovah will replace human governments with a heavenly one called the Kingdom of God. That government, under the leadership of Jesus Christ, will then administer earth’s affairs.—Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:10.

 God’s Kingdom will educate humans to live by God’s righteous standards. When humans recognize their Creator and heed his guidance, they will be able to live in harmony with the natural world. (Isaiah 11:9) The Bible describes how God’s government will enable its citizens to enjoy an excellent quality of life, one that is sustainable for the planet. It will do the following:

 You can expect that God’s Kingdom will soon bring about these changes. For more information, read the article “When Will God’s Kingdom Rule the Earth?

a Jehovah is God’s personal name.—Psalm 83:18.