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Why Can’t People Make Peace?

What does the Bible say?


Will Armageddon Begin in Israel?

What does the Bible say?


Protect Yourself From Misinformation

Misleading news, false reports, and conspiracy theories abound and may even cause you harm.

When Will God’s Kingdom Rule the Earth?

Events indicate that Jesus’ rule as King of God’s Kingdom will soon transform the earth.


Marriage and Family

Married couples and families face many challenges. The Bible’s practical advice can improve and strengthen family relationships.

Peace and Happiness

The Bible has helped countless people to cope with daily pressures, to ease their physical and emotional distress, and to find meaning and purpose in life.

Science and the Bible

Is the Bible compatible with science? Comparing what the Bible says with the findings of scientists is revealing.

Help for Teens and Young Adults

Find out how the Bible can help with the circumstances and challenges that teenagers and young adults often face.